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17 Feb 2025


We would love you to advise us if you can shed any light on these items
- just email us at history@camp21.org.uk - thanks!
How did prisoners learn to make porridge?
Where was the camp telephone situated during WW2? Commandants Office?
Why are some huts built higher than others, with a thicker base?
When did Italian arrive and leave?
Was debating a regular activity in Germany during 1930s?
How did mail for a POW get to the right camp?
Where did stories of High Security and Nazi 2 emanate? Any evidence of these in WW2?
Why were Administration Mess huts built to east, outside the square?
What use was made of camp between 1948 and 1954 ?
How did some prisoners obtain a camera and film ?
Where did the sketch books used by cartoonist come from? Standard issue by whom?
What NATO exercises used the camp, when and how?
Where and How did prisoners get tools for wood carving?
Where did Peter the cartoon painter go after leaving Camp21?
Was a wire fence built to contain the Sports Ground in WW2?
How many escaped from the camp? Were any not recaptured?
Did each compound have a hut 32, if so where was it and what purpose?
Where was Compound E as listed in ICRC Report of June 1944?
Did Germany send Red Cross Parcels to their men held in UK?
When were compounds C + D combined into D ?
When did G-plan furniture replace previous metal range ?
Were WW2 hut numbers same as 1957 MoD numbers ?
What rank did highest rated prisoner hold?
What does word Cultybraggan mean?
How many died at the camp during WW2?
Where were the first 25 camps built to hold Italians? How were they numbered?
How many prisoners passed through Camp 21 during WW2 up till 1947?
How many Hamish Hendersons were there and doing what?
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Updated 19 Mar 2019

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